
Scapix Language Bridge

Deliver native Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux and Web applications from a single shared C++ code base. Automatic, on the fly code generation to bridge common C++ code base to UI code written in Java, Objective-C, Swift, Python, JavaScript (WebAssembly) and C#. Get the best of both worlds: single shared C++ code base and native UI on each platform.

Scapix Intro

Seamless, real time integration
Bindings automatically generated directly from C++ headers during build - no need to manually maintain separate IDL definitions or manual bindings. Make a change in your C++ code, press build, then call your new code from Java, Objective C, Swift, Python, JavaScript or C#. Often this would be done in the same IDE, allowing continuous seamless cross-language development.
Single shared C++ code base
Share 90% of app code on all platforms using standards compliant cross-platform C++.
Separate native user interface for each platform
Create native user interface for each platform using platform specific language (Java, Swift, JavaScript, C#, C++) with native UI frameworks and native UI controls for each platform.
Native performance
Native compiled C++ performance on every platform.
Platform API access
Convenient access to platform specific APIs from shared C++ code base.
Develop on any platform, any IDE
Develop on macOS, Windows or Linux using any IDE with CMake support (Xcode, Android Studio, Visual Studio, etc.).
Dramatically reduce time and expense of delivering app to multiple platforms
A single shared C++ code base across all platforms dramatically reduces time and expense required to create and maintain an app for multiple platforms.
Invest in cross-platform standard compliant C++ code
Invest your resources in creating cross-platform, standard compliant C++ code - which you can easily leverage on any existing or future platform.